Dark Web Monitoring

We go into the Dark Web to keep you off it

Fortify your enterprise defenses against the escalating security threats stemming from compromised login credentials and passwords lurking on the Dark Web. In an era of heightened cyber risks, it is imperative to proactively address vulnerabilities associated with illicit access to sensitive information. By acknowledging and actively countering the presence of compromised credentials on the Dark Web, your organization can bolster its security posture and protect itself from potential data breaches and unauthorized access attempts.

Rely on our comprehensive Dark Web Monitoring solution, a vigilant system that operates 24/7 to provide you with timely alerts regarding potential compromises to your business domain and employee credentials. Armed with this early notification, you can take swift action to reset passwords and fortify security measures, mitigating the impact of potential threats. Our proactive approach combines cutting-edge technological intelligence with the expertise of skilled human analysts, ensuring continuous surveillance for compromised information and exposed login credentials. By adopting this proactive stance, we actively shield your business from becoming an enticing target for cybercriminals, enhancing your overall cybersecurity resilience.

The Dark Web harbors a staggering 25.9 million passwords from Fortune 1,000 business accounts, emphasizing the widespread risk of compromised credentials in the corporate realm.

Alarming trends continue as the average ransom paid skyrocketed by 82% in 2021, reaching an unprecedented high of $570,000, surpassing the previous year's figure of $170,000.

Additionally, a concerning disparity in breach identification and control timelines emerges, with organizations having 50% remote workers taking 316 days on average, compared to 287 days for those primarily on-site.

The severity of the situation is underscored by a significant 67% of respondents reporting a marked increase in both the volume and severity of cyber threats, emphasizing the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures.

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